Saturday, November 9, 2013


We have been studying sequence of events in reading. We have talked about sequence words (first, second, next, after, etc.) that give us clues to the order events happen. We read and wrote about the life cycle of a butterfly to help us practice using sequence words. I also split the students up into smaller groups to practice working together. The groups read a book, worked together to fill out a sequence of events chart, and presented the information they learned to the rest of the class. The students seem to be doing really well with this concept! We will focus on this reading concept one more week and will review it frequently throughout the year.

Going along with sequence of events in reading, we have been studying position words in math. These are words such as first, second, third, fourth, behind, before, etc. We also just started working on place value. This is a very important concept that students need to know for future grades so please make sure your child understands the homework he is bringing home.

The students made a timeline of their lives this week! We talked about important events that have happened (being born, moving) and put them in order on a timeline. Your child should have brought that home earlier this week.

Trashies and little toys similar to them are no longer allowed in our classroom. There were too many occurrences of students playing with the toys during class time, misplacing them, or other students taking them. The students have been informed that they are not allowed to bring Trashies to school.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Amish Acres

Last Wednesday we went to Amish Acres on a field trip. We learned how apple cider was made, stirred apple butter, and learned about the Amish.

We also went on a horse drawn wagon ride, visited a one room schoolhouse, a blacksmith shop, and an old farmhouse. The blacksmith shop was a big hit with a lot of the students. Please ask your child what he/she learned and enjoyed the most!