Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valentines Day

 Valentines Day was a lot of fun for both the students and me! The morning activities included a puppet show and Mr. Gensinger reading some Valentines stories to all of first grade. Our afternoon party was a success thanks to the moms who helped. The party's theme was "Owl Always Love You". The students made cute owl Valentine bags and ate the cutest owl cupcakes. As you can see from the pictures, the students enjoyed the day!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The 100th Day of School

Friday was the 100th day of school! We did a lot of fun activities to celebrate. We practiced using tally marks as we made headbands. Each headband had one hundred tally marks on it. We also made trail mix with one hundred pieces in a bag. We estimated how many times we could hop on one foot, clap, and say the alphabet in one hundred seconds. The students had fun and so did I!



We also spent some time with our reading buddies!