Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last week of school!

I can't believe it's the last week of school already! Your children have been a joy to work with this year. They have made my first year of teaching very enjoyable. Thank you for investing in them and in Eisenhower. Below are some pictures from our last few days of school. Have a great summer!

Our first grade class became engineers on Tuesday. The challenge was to create a bridge that would hold three crayons as they rolled across. It also had to have guard rails. A lot of the students were really creative! There was one pair that had a ramp for wheelchairs and another one created an elevator for people who use wheelchairs.



For our last reader's theater, we went down to second grade to share our play. The students have really made progress with reading fluently and with expression.

Three students participated in our tissue box challenge. They had to create something out of a tissue box. They shared their creations with the class and with Mr. Gensinger.

Mrs. Hohm's class shared some of their reader's theater pieces with us.

Working on our autograph books...

We cleaned our desks with shaving cream.

Last day of school.

Field Day

Variety Show

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


At the beginning of this month we were studying measurement in math. We talked about words that help us compare lengths (shorter, longer, taller) and practiced measuring things with connecting cubes. Students worked with a partner to measure various objects around the classroom. We did a brief lesson on how to use a ruler. Students will learn more about using rulers later this year and in second grade.

Two weeks ago we learned about dyeing yarn and spinning wool. The students had the chance to see a spinning wheel, get their own piece of wool, and learn how pioneers got different colors for their yarn. We started a weaving project and learn how a loom works.

We are continuing to work on our informational reports. Students have written two reports so far! Students have learned how to research their topic, take down notes about facts, write a topic sentence, and create a title. We are still working on transferring our notes into our own words. These first two papers are mostly copied from the articles we read. 

Practicing our spelling words with chalk.

We had "Mother Earth" come and share with us the importance of recycling.

Our classroom did a countdown to the end of school. Each day we had a special activity. Some included wearing only our socks in the classroom and reading under our desks.