Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28

We did a science experiment on Thursday! We were learning about the scientific method this week. We put pepper in water and then added dish soap to see what would happen. Ask your child about the results!

Retro Bill came to visit our school this week! He talked about bullying and how students should always ask a teacher or adult for help if they are struggling with another student or anything in school. The students had a lot of fun laughing during this presentation. He even pulled Mrs. Setser up on stage!

What we are learning in school:

Language Arts:
This week we reviewed how to summarize a story. You can practice this at home by asking your child to tell you the key details from the book they read. We also reviewed story elements (character, setting, problem, solution, lesson) and how to synthesize (use background knowledge and what we just read to form new ideas).

We are working on personal narratives during our writing time! We have been learning the difference between a watermelon story (a big story) and a seed story (small moments). We practiced writing stories about small moments from our lives. We focused on adding details and descriptive words. We will continue to work on this next week.

Math: We continued to review place value, standard form, word form, and expanded form with numbers to 10,000. We learned how to compare numbers and put numbers in order from least to greatest. We will have a math test on Monday over chapter one in our math book. Please remind your child to study for our test.

Important Dates:

September 2 – Picture Day

September 7 – No school

September 11 – Midterms

October 13 – First grading period ends (reading incentive paper due)

October 20 & 21 – Parent Teacher Conferences

October 22 & 23 – Fall Break

ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11

IREAD – March 14 – 18

ISTEP - April 18-May 6

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21

We have enjoyed spending time with our first grade reading buddies!

Spelling Words
1. stopping
2. working
3. standing
4. dropping
5. grinning
6. laughing
7. swimming
8. learning
9. about
10. never

Language Arts: This week during our reading time, we have been working on asking questions while reading. We practiced reading a story and then writing down things we wonder about from the book. We have also been reviewing how to make connections. We have made text-to-text connections, text-to-self connections, and text-to-world connections. If you are reading with your child this week, be sure to ask them if they have any connections they can make to the book.

Math: We have been reviewing numbers to 10,000 in math. We discussed how to write numbers in standard form (153) and word form (one hundred fifty-three). We have also briefly touched on place value and expanded form (100+50+3).

Parent Meeting
If you were unable to attend the parent meeting, your child should have brought home a handout with information about the meeting. If you have questions about grading or anything else that is happening in class, please feel free to call or e-mail me.

Important Dates:

August 27 – Book order due

September 2 – Picture Day
September 7 – No school

September 11 – Midterms

October 13 – First grading period ends (reading incentive paper due)

October 20 & 21 – Parent Teacher Conferences

October 22 & 23 – Fall Break

ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11

IREAD – March 14 – 18

ISTEP - April 18-May 6

Monday, August 17, 2015

Spelling Words 8-17

 We will have a spelling test over these words on Friday. Your child brought home a paper with our spelling words on it. We will be practicing these words throughout the week in class, but please practice them at home as well.

  1. sometime
  2. anytime
  3. lighthouse
  4. daylight
  5. touchdown
  6. downtown
  7. baseball
  8. ballpark
  9. anything
  10. everyone

Friday, August 14, 2015

First Week

We had a great first week of school! I lost my voice this week, and your children were very understanding and quiet. I really appreciated it! I will try to post regular updates on this blog, along with information from our newsletter.

What we are learning in school:
Language Arts:
We have been learning what our reading and writing times will look like. We have also practiced choosing just right books. This week we decorated our writer’s notebooks!

Math: This week we reviewed skip counting. We played Buzz to practice skip counting. On Thursday we reviewed what number bonds are. We went outside and created our own number bonds. We have also done a brief review of place value.

Important Dates:
August 19 – 3rd grade parent meeting at 7:00 PM. This will be a chance for you to hear about ISTEP, IREAD, our trip to the circus, and other classroom information. We will meet in the group room and then move to our classroom.

August 27 – Book order due

September 2 – Picture Day

September 7 – No school

October 13 – First grading period ends

October 20 & 21 – Parent Teacher Conferences

October 22 & 23 – Fall Break

Playing some games to get to know each other

Math scavenger hunt