Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Newsletter

What we are learning in school:
Language Arts:
Students have learned what historical fiction is. We read several historical fiction pieces and answered questions about what we read. We also discussed what made each story historical fiction.
Math: Students began learning how to add and subtract time. We learned how converting time to minutes or hours can help us solve addition and subtraction problems.

Genius Hour
Students have been signing up for presentation dates! Look for a note with your child’s presentation date and information on what they can work on next for their project. All of the presentations will be the first three weeks in December. This first project will be presented to just our class. Next semester we will open our presentations up to families as well.

Syria Jar
We have decided that any money we raise for the Syrian refugees will be given to World Vision, an organization that is sending coats, shoes, and socks to children who are refugees. If we raise $80, we will have enough to purchase a coat, boots, and other warm clothing for a child in need. Our goal is to raise this money by November 30th! So far we have $35.14.

Math Facts
Third grade students will need to pass their 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 multiplication facts in order to go to honor roll this quarter. Students in fourth and fifth grade are still struggling with their multiplication facts and the third grade teachers are hoping that this will help motivate students to memorize their facts in third grade. The fourth grade teachers are requiring their students to know all of their math facts if they wish to go to honor roll. We decided that we will start preparing students for this challenge slowly and introduce memorization of harder facts throughout the rest of the year.

Thanksgiving Break
Students can work on their Genius Hour projects over fall break. Car rides to visit family would also be a great time to practice math facts or read! Have a wonderful break!

Important Dates:
November 26 & 27 – No school
November 30 – Deadline to send in money for Syrian refugees!
December 18 – 2nd quarter ends
December 18 – Reading Incentive due
ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11
IREAD – March 14 – 18
ISTEP - April 18-May 6

Friday, November 20, 2015


Our reader's theater last week was about Harriet Tubman so we spent some time learning about the Civil War and slavery. We sat in a small space to experience a little bit of what slaves experienced on the ships over to America. We discussed the different reasons the North and South fought and also learned about the Underground Railroad.

What we are learning in school:
Language Arts:
Students have been learning how to retell a story in a sequence. Students have learned how important it is to tell directions in order. We practiced reading a passage and identifying what order events happened in.
Math: We have been reviewing how to tell time this week! Students reviewed how to tell time to the hour, half hour, and minute. We also worked on converting minutes to hours.

Genius Hour
Students have been signing up for presentation dates! Look for a note with your child’s presentation date and information on what they can work on next for their project. All of the presentations will be the first three weeks in December.

Syria Jar
We have decided that any money we raise for the Syrian refugees will be given to World Vision, an organization that is sending coats, shoes, and socks to children who are refugees. If we raise $80, we will have enough to purchase a coat, boots, and other warm clothing for a child in need. Our goal is to raise this money by November 30th! So far we have $33.18.

Math Facts
Third grade students will need to pass their 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 multiplication facts in order to go to honor roll this quarter. Students in fourth and fifth grade are still struggling with their multiplication facts and the third grade teachers are hoping that this will help motivate students to memorize their facts in third grade. The fourth grade teachers are requiring their students to know all of their math facts if they wish to go to honor roll. We decided that we will start preparing students for this challenge slowly and introduce memorization of harder facts throughout the rest of the year. Your child will be coming home with a bag of math facts to practice.

Important Dates:
November 26 & 27 – No school
November 30 – Deadline to send in money for Syrian refugees!
December 18 – 2nd quarter ends
ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11
IREAD – March 14 – 18
ISTEP - April 18-May 6

No spelling words this week!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Days

We had a lot of fun on our field trip playing games that Native Americans would have played. Ask your child about the buffalo robe game!

Students learned how to use Atlatls. These are hunting sticks that the Native Americans used. We tried to see how far we could throw them.

We had popcorn made in a kettle for a snack!

Recess was a lot of fun on the large playground!

The students enjoyed eating stew and cornbread for lunch.

We learned about Native American tools and homes.

We took a selfie for Red Ribbon Week! Our class had fun dressing up and wearing slippers to school this week.

What we are learning in school:
Language Arts:
Students have been learning how to find the main idea and details of a passage. Students have learned that the main idea is what the passage is mostly about.

Math: Students have continued to practice their multiplication facts. We worked on our sixes, sevens, and eights facts this week. We will continue to work on multiplication next week. We will have a test on Friday over multiplication.

Genius Hour

We will have one more week of researching for our projects. I will start meeting with students about their projects and help them get started on creating their presentations the first two weeks in November. Students are welcome to work on their projects at home, but I will also provide time in class to work on them.

Important Dates:

November 11 (9:30) – Veterans Day program

November 17 – 2nd quarter midterms

December 18 – 2nd quarter ends

ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11

IREAD – March 14 – 18

ISTEP - April 18-May 6

Spelling Words
1. money
2. hockey
3. goalie
4. movie
5. apply
6. occupy
7. classify
8. twenty
9. caught
10. came