Wednesday, October 25, 2017


We had the chance to Skype with an author. We learned about the publishing process and how authors get ideas for their stories.

Silly hair day!

Breanna shared some stories about her great-grandpa. He was in World War II.

Fun at recess!

The students made me a sign during art class.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


We learned about Romania and tried langosi (fried dough).

We also learned about Mexico and made baleros.

Friday, August 25, 2017

August 25

We enjoyed our first week of school! We spent some time discussing how once we say something we can't take it back. Every time we said a mean word, we squeezed toothpaste out of a tube. Then we said nice things and tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube. We learned that we must be careful with our words.

Our class loved the solar eclipse! 

We learned about Switzerland and tried Swiss chocolate!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Welcome to Third Grade!

I am excited for the chance to work with your children as they grow and learn this year! Third grade is full of new experiences and challenges, and I look forward to helping the students in my classroom as they strive for success in every area.

Our classroom theme this year is adventure, specifically adventures we have through reading books and traveling. Reading and traveling are two things that I am very passionate about. My hope is that through the books we read this year, and the stories we tell about our own adventures, students will be inspired to learn more about new things, different cultures, and what it looks like to be a lifelong adventurer.

In the spirit of adventure, I thought I would share some of my summer adventures with you. I look forward to hearing about the adventures your children have had this summer!

This summer I had the opportunity to spend five weeks at an orphanage in Romania. I played with the twenty children that live there and taught a couple of English classes.

Casa Dorca is located in Prilipet, Romania. Prilipet is a small village in rural Romania.

Last year's class bought water guns for the children at the orphanage. We really enjoyed our water gun fight!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

End of the Year Fun

Click on the link below to see some video clips from this school year.
2017 Video

Bike Rodeo

The kids were so tired they said they needed a nap after the rodeo.

Making cards to encourage other teachers

Reading Buddies!

More bike rodeo pictures

The students raised $60 for kids at an orphanage in Romania. To celebrate their work, we had Romanian doughnuts (langosi).

Field Day