Our class created a tollbooth as a prop for a film some fifth and sixth graders were a part of. We have enjoyed reading and writing in it!
We learned about sound waves while playing with rubber bands!
Free Dance Time
Working on comparing and contrasting with a partner
The electricity went out for a little bit at school one day! The students enjoyed reading and writing in the dark. They wrote stories about the day the power went out.
Hat Day!
Third grade has been learning about bicycle safety
One of the students had artwork hung up at Warsaw Community School's Central Office!
We had fun doing a shape scavenger hunt!
Some students shared what they are learning in violin
Our class met their goal for raising $50 for Romania. They chose to have a pajama day to celebrate!
Learning about symmetry
Our new science lesson was about rocks. We found our own rocks and recorded observations.
Our classroom newspaper decided to include pictures in our newspaper. This is the first photo that was taken for it. The caption is about our Genius Hour projects.
Our class is obsessed with cats!
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