Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring is here!

I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break! April is off to a great start in our classroom. Our math class has been focusing on money the past few weeks. We will continue to review money the rest of the year and in our Success time, but will be moving on to fractions when we return from break. Some students are still struggling with identifying coins and their value every time they see them. I will continue to focus on those students and provide them with opportunities to review money but if you could encourage your child to help count out change when you are at the store or just practice using money, that would be appreciated. Students will review and develop their skills with money in second grade but we do want to provide them with a strong base.

We finished comparing and contrasting in reading! Students seemed to be doing well with this topic. We spent a lot of time using Venn diagrams to see how things were similar and how they were different. One activity we did today was to compare the student and one of their friends. They had to use a Venn diagram to show how they were the same and how they were different. Students were then asked to write a couple of sentences describing their differences and similarities.

Our spelling words for the week after break will be from unit 24.

We started talking about pioneers a little this week and how difficult it was for them to pack. They could not take everything they owned with them and had to leave many things behind. We will continue to discuss pioneers this month and do several activities I am very excited about. We have just finished reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder and one of the Kirsten books from American Girl to help give us some background knowledge on pioneers.

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