What we
are learning in school:
Language Arts: Students worked on inferring while I read them a story. Students practiced using their backpack knowledge (things they already knew) with facts from the text to figure something out.
Language Arts: Students worked on inferring while I read them a story. Students practiced using their backpack knowledge (things they already knew) with facts from the text to figure something out.
Math: We continued working on
multiplication this week! So far we have covered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10s.
Please help your child practice these at home. I will be coming up with an
incentive for students who master all of their facts. I will send more info
about that home after fall break!
October 20 & 21 – Parent
Teacher Conferences
October 21 – No school for
October 22 & 23 – Fall
October 26 – Field trip forms
and $7 due
October 26-29 – MAP testing
(more info about this at parent teacher conferences). Please do not schedule
doctor appointments for these few days.
October 29 (9:05) – Honor Roll
October 30 – Field trip to Camp
November 11 (9:30) – Veterans
Day program
November 17 – 2nd
quarter midterms
December 18 – 2nd
quarter ends
ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11
IREAD – March 14 – 18
ISTEP - April 18-May 6