Our last group finally had a chance to share their play! They did a great job acting (and dressing) like their characters!
Our class team, the Amazing Eagles. Ask your child about our team cheer!
We had fun celebrating Christopher Columbus Day. We learned that Christopher Columbus never made it to the United States of America, he actually first landed on San Salvador.
What we
are learning in school:
Language Arts: This week we worked on making connections and inferring. Students practiced reading a text and then used their background knowledge and facts from the text to infer (figure something out).
Language Arts: This week we worked on making connections and inferring. Students practiced reading a text and then used their background knowledge and facts from the text to infer (figure something out).
Math: We have started practicing
multiplication this week! So far we have covered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10s. Please
help your child practice these at home. I will be coming up with an incentive
for students who master all of their facts. I will send more info about that home
after fall break!
This week the Walkathon was during our Genius Hour time, so we did not do any
research on our projects. Our class won a team spirit award at the Walkathon!
October 20 & 21 – Parent
Teacher Conferences
October 22 & 23 – Fall
October 26 – Field trip forms
and $7 due
October 26-29 – MAP testing
(more info about this at parent teacher conferences). Please do not schedule
doctor appointments for these few days.
October 29 (9:05) – Honor Roll
October 30 – Field trip to Camp
November 11 (9:30) – Veterans Day
November 17 – 2nd
quarter midterms
December 18 – 2nd
quarter ends
ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11
IREAD – March 14 – 18
ISTEP - April 18-May 6
Oh my goodness...these are so cute! Thank you for sharing!