Monday, September 28, 2015

September 25

This week students presented on Native American tribes they had researched. Students were given a choice on how they could present their information. Some groups chose to make posters while others made a play, video, or a power point. 


What we are learning in school:

Language Arts:
This week students reviewed how to visualize when reading. Students also learned how to identify a personal narrative. Students learned that personal narratives have to include one important incident from the author’s life, details, dialogue, the author’s thoughts and feelings, and that it needs to be about actual events.
Math: Students learned how to subtract with regrouping. We have also been working on mastering our addition facts.

Genius Hour: On Tuesday we began planning our Genius Hour projects. Students created a list of things they are interested in, passionate about, or wonder about. The idea of the project is to choose something that cannot be answered by a quick search on the internet. Students have to have their project approved by me before they can begin. Throughout this week, students will be given time to draw up a project proposal. This proposal will be signed by me, the student, and a parent. If students are not able to finish the proposal in class, it will be sent home as homework. On September 29, we will begin researching for our projects. I am planning on students presenting their projects towards the beginning of December. Please contact me if you have any questions. My hope is that this will be a fun learning opportunity for students and not an area of stress for you!

Important Dates:
October 2 – Camp Out with a Good Book forms due
October 6 (6:30-7:45) – Camp Out with a Good Book (see flyer that was sent home)
October 13 – First grading period ends (reading incentive paper due)
October 20 & 21 – Parent Teacher Conferences
October 22 & 23 – Fall Break
October 29 (9:05) – Honor Roll
ISTEP – Feb. 29-March 11
IREAD – March 14 – 18
ISTEP - April 18-May 6

Spelling Words

1. trays

2. minutes
3. classes
4. boxes
5. lunches
6. stories
7. families
8. pennies
9. because
10. today

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